पात्रता की जाँच करें

SERB - POWER Research Grants

Ministry Of Science And Technology

Research Grant
Woman Researcher
Woman Scientist
आवेदन प्रक्रिया
आवश्यक दस्तावेज़
अधिकतर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल
The “SERB - POWER Research Grants” is a program category under the SERB-POWER (Promoting Opportunities For Women in Exploratory Research) Program, launched by the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. SERB - POWER (Promoting Opportunities For Women in Exploratory Research) program is formulated to mitigate gender disparity in science and engineering research funding in various S&T programs in Indian academic institutions and R&D Laboratories. SERB-POWER is specially designed to provide structured effort toward enhanced diversity in research to ensure equal access and weighted opportunities for Indian women scientists engaged in research and development activities.
The aim of the ‘SERB - POWER Research Grants’ is to encourage emerging and eminent women researchers for an individual-centric and competitive mode of research funding to undertake R&D activities in frontier areas of science and engineering.
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संपर्क करें

4 मंजिल, NeGD, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स निकेतन, 6 सीजीओ कॉम्प्लेक्स, लोधी रोड, नई दिल्ली - 110003 , भारत


(011) 24303714