पात्रता की जाँच करें
Scheme for Grant of Financial Assistance to Industrial Workers/Employee for Purchase of Spectacles
अधिकतर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल
Can industrial workers request reimbursement for specialized lenses, such as bifocals or progressive lenses?
Can industrial workers apply for financial assistance for spectacles if they are on probation?
Can industrial workers residing in Daman and Diu apply for financial assistance under the Goa Labour Welfare Board's scheme?
Can industrial workers request reimbursement for spectacles purchased online?
Can industrial workers appeal against the decision of the Labour Welfare Board regarding their application for financial assistance?
Are there any penalties for fraudulent claims or misuse of the scheme?
What types of spectacles are covered under the scheme?
Can industrial workers choose any optician or hospital for getting their eyes tested under the scheme?
Can industrial workers apply for reimbursement for spectacles purchased for their family members?
Is there a limit to the number of times an industrial worker can apply for financial assistance for spectacles?
Can industrial workers request reimbursement for spectacles purchased from a vendor outside Goa?
Can industrial workers apply for reimbursement for spectacles purchased independently?
समाचार और अपडेट
कोई नई खबर और अपडेट उपलब्ध नहीं है
पात्रता की जाँच करें
Scheme for Grant of Financial Assistance to Industrial Workers/Employee for Purchase of Spectacles
समाचार और अपडेट
कोई नई खबर और अपडेट उपलब्ध नहीं है