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Ministry Of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
National Agriculture Market
e-National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) is a pan-India electronic trading portal that networks the existing APMC/Mandis to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities.
- National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) is a pan-India electronic trading portal which networks the existing APMC/Mandis to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities.
- e-NAM a pan-India electronic trading portal was launched on 14th April 2016, by the Prime Minister of India, with the aim of networking the existing mandis on a common online market platform as “One Nation One Market” for agricultural commodities in India.
- Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) is the lead agency for implementing e-NAM under the aegis of Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India.
- e-NAM portal enables farmers to trade their produce through their nearby e-NAM mandis and facilitate traders to bid online from any location. e-NAM provides single window services for all Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) related services and information. This includes commodity arrivals, quality assaying by Artificial Intelligence based Machines/Equipments, e-Bidding, e-payment settlement directly into farmers account, among other services.
- Horticulture Planning & Marketing Department, J&K initiated e-NAM by integrating 2-Mandis – Narwal (Jammu) & Parimpora (Srinagar) on e-NAM in May-2020 in first phase, and 9 more mandis in 2nd phase. Total 11 mandis of UT 0f J&K are integrated with eNAM as of now.
- To integrate markets first at the level of the States/UT and eventually across the Country through a common online market platform, to facilitate pan - India trade in agricultural commodities.
- To streamline marketing / transaction procedures and make them uniform across all markets to promote efficient functioning of the markets.
- To promote better marketing opportunities for farmers / sellers through online access to more buyers and markets, removal of information asymmetry between farmer and trader, better and real-time price discovery based on actual demand and supply of Agri commodities.
- To establish quality assaying systems for quality assurance, to promote informed bidding by buyers.
- To promote stable prices and availability of quality produce to consumers
Benefits of trading on e-NAM:
- Transparent Online Trading.
- Real-Time Price Discovery.
- Better Price Realization For Farmers.
- Reduced Transaction Cost For Buyers.
- Stable Price and Availability to Consumers.
- Quality Certification, Warehousing and Logistics.
- More Efficient Supply Chain.
- Convenient e-Payment options.
- Error-Free Reporting of Transactions.
- Enhanced Accessibility to more APMCs.
Eligibility criteria for availing assistance under the scheme:
- The scheme is linked to agricultural marketing reforms, the States / Union Territories (UTs) need to undertake mandatory reforms in their Agriculture Produce Market Committee ( APMC) Acts in respect of the following three areas to avail the assistance under it.
- Single trading license to be valid across the State.
- Single point levy of market fee across the State and
- Provision for e-auction/e-trading as a mode of price discovery to be facilitated by the State. Agriculture Marketing Department / Board / APMCs / Regulated Market Committees (RMCs), as the case may be.
- In respect of 1 above, State/UT must provide, through appropriate legislation / executive order in consonance with the concerned APMC Act/regulation, for the issue of a single trade license to any eligible person from across India irrespective of one’s domicile to enable one to trade through e-NAM portal in the markets across the State / UT. Further, the State / UT must provide for a liberal process of single trade license for wholesale traders / buyers for the entire State & ensure that there are no barriers like prohibitively high security deposits or stipulations regarding minimum quantities to be transacted or requirements of establishment of purchase center/premise’ etc
- In respect of 2 above, State / UT must provide, through appropriate legislation / executive order in consonance with the concerned APMC Act/regulation single point levy of market fee for wholesale trading of the same produce across the State i.e., levy of market fee/cess at point of first transaction only in the State. No further market fee/cess/service charge, or by whatever name it is called, should be leviable on the subsequent wholesale transaction (s) of the same produce.
- In respect of 3 above, State / UT must provide, through appropriate legislation / executive order in consonance with the concerned APMC Act/regulation, that State Agricultural Marketing Department / Directorate / Board, as the case may be, and concerned APMC / RMC shall provide necessary legal framework therefor and required infrastructure connected thereto to promote National Agriculture Market (e-NAM).
- Proposals from such States / UTs meeting the above three pre-requisites received on prescribed proforma (Annexure-I) will be considered for sanction of a one-time grant for the purchase of hardware, internet connection, assaying equipment, and related infrastructure to make the market ready for a plug-in with e-NAM platform.
- In addition, States / UTs must also undertake-
- To trade 100 % volume of selected agricultural commodities through e-trading / e-auction in the markets proposed to be covered under e-NAM;
- To make provision** for Soil Testing Laboratories (STLs) or ensure that markets are linked to STLs located in close proximity.
- To meet the balance fund requirement towards implementation of e-NAM, if any, over and above that granted by the Project Appraisal Committee (PAC).
- To bear all future escalations, as may arise after 5 years upon expiry of service agreement with Strategic Partner;
- To bear annual maintenance provisions for the software as may arise after 5 years upon expiry of the service agreement with Strategic Partner.
- To register their implementing agency on the PFMS portal (https://pfms.nic.in) and intimate the same to the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers’ Welfare (DAC&FW) (hereinafter called Department) along with the bank details, etc. to enable the transfer of funds.
- States / UTs, which either do not have marketing regulation or have one which is not in force, in order to integrate with e- NAM portal and avail grants under the scheme, must identify some institution/organization and frame appropriate legally enforceable guidelines. The entity so identified may develop the appropriate physical infrastructure required for e-trading on e-NAM at the back end and provide the required logistic support. Regulatory framework / legally backed guidelines may include all the required facilitatory provisions for trading on the e-NAM portal including enlisting / registration of traders/buyers, transaction fees, etc.
- The proposals of private markets for providing access to the e-NAM portal may also be considered by the Project Appraisal Committee (PAC) provided they are recommended by the competent authority of the concerned State / UT. However, in such cases they must provide for mandi analyst, related hardware, assaying facilities, and other support services at their own cost.
Application Process
Registration Guidelines for farmers
- Users can register by Clicking http://enam.gov.in/NAMV2/home/other_register.html
- Select “Registration Type” as “Farmer” and select the desired “APMC”.
- Provide your correct Email ID as you will receive a Login ID and Password in the same.
- Once successfully registered you will receive a Temporary Login ID & Password in the given e-mail.
- Log in to the Dashboard by clicking the icon on www.enam.gov.in/web through the system.
- Users will find a Flashing Message on the Dashboard as: “Click here to register with APMC”.
- Click on the Flashing Link which will redirect you to Registration Page for filling/updating details.
- It will be sent for Approval to your selected APMC after KYC is completed.
- After Successfully logging in to your Dashboard, you will be able to see all APMC address details.
- After Successful Submission user will receive an e-mail confirming the submission of the application to the concerned APMC with the status of the Application as Submitted/In progress—approved—Rejected.
- Once approved by APMC, you will receive eNAM Farmer Permanent Login ID (ex: HR866F00001) and Password for complete access to the e-NAM platform on the registered e-mail id.
- Or you can contact your respective Mandi/APMC for the same.
Registration Guidelines for Trades
- Users will have to Register by Clicking by visiting http://enam.gov.in/NAMV2/home/other_register.html
- Select “Registration Type” as “Trader” and select the suitable “APMC” or State Level.
- Provide your passport-size photograph & correct Email ID to receive your Login ID and Password in same.
- Successful Registration will share a Temporary Login ID and Password in your given E-mail ID
- Log in to the Dashboard by clicking the icon on www.enam.gov.in through the system.
- The user will get a Flashing Message on the Dashboard: “Click Here to Register with APMC”.
- Click on the Flashing Link which will redirect you to Registration Page for filling/updating details.
- It will be submitted for Approval to your selected APMC or SAMB (In case of a Unified License).
- After Successfully logging in to your Dashboard you will be able to see the Arrivals and Trade activities happening in the APMC for notified commodities in eNAM.
- Users will find a Flashing Message on the Dashboard as: Click on the Link.
- It will redirect you to Registration Page to submit your license & KYC details on Trader.
- Your details will be submitted for Approval by your selected APMC.
- Successfully submitted user will receive an email confirming the Status of the Application as Submitted/In progress—approved—Rejected.
- Its Status can be seen by login into the dashboard as explained earlier above.
- For Permanent Login ID (ex: HR866T00001) & password, Visit your respective Mandi/APMC and verify your License Number.
- After Successful approval by APMC eNAM Trader/CA IDs & Passwords will be sent to the given e-mail.
- Trader/CA can participate in online trade by using the given login ID & Password.
FPOs/FPCs can register on e-NAM Portal via the website (www.enam.gov.in) or mobile app or provide following details at the nearest e-NAM mandi:
- Name of FPOs/ FPCs.
- Name, address, email Id and contact no. of authorized person (MD/CEO /Manager ).
- Bank account Details ( Name of Bank, Branch, Account no. IFSC Code ).
For Mandi Board
States (State Agriculture Marketing Boards) interested to integrate their mandis with NAM are required to carry out the following reforms in their APMC Act.
a) Single trading license (Unified) to be valid across the state.
b) Single point levy of market fee across the state.
c) Provision for e-auction/ e-trading as a mode of price discovery.
Documents Required
No Documents required for this Scheme
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between e-NAM and the existing mandi system?
e-NAM is not a parallel marketing structure but rather a device to create a national network of physical mandis which can be accessed online.
It seeks to leverage the physical infrastructure of the mandis through an online trading portal, enabling buyers situated even outside the Mandi/ State to participate in trading at the local level.
How will e-NAM operate?
The e-NAM electronic trading platform has been created with an investment by the Government of India (through the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare).It offers a “plug-in” to any market yard existing in a State (whether regulated or private). The special software developed for e-NAM is available to each mandi which agrees to join the national network free of cost with necessary customization to conform to the regulations of each State Mandi Act.
Are there any conditions for joining e-NAM?
States interested to integrate their mandis with e-NAM are required to carry out following three reforms in their APMC Act.
a) Single trading license (Unified) to be valid across the state
b) Single point levy of market fee across the state; and
c) Provision for e-auction/ e-trading as a mode of price discovery
Will the APMC mandis lose out business due to e-NAM?
Mandis do not lose any business. e-NAM basically increases the choice of the farmer when he brings his produce to the mandi for sale. Local traders can bid for the produce, as also traders on the electronic platform sitting in other State/ Mandi. The farmer may choose to accept either the local offer or the online offer. In either case the transaction will be on the books of the local mandi and they will continue to earn the market fee. In fact, the volume of business will significantly increase as there will be greater competition for specific produce, resulting in higher market fees for the mandi.
Who will actually operate the e-NAM platform?
Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare, Govt. of India has appointed Small Farmers' Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) as the Lead Implementing Agency of e-NAM. SFAC will operate and maintain the e-NAM platform with the help of a Strategic Partner, presently NFCL.
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Ministry Of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
National Agriculture Market
Application Process
Documents Required
Frequently Asked Questions
e-National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) is a pan-India electronic trading portal that networks the existing APMC/Mandis to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities.
- National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) is a pan-India electronic trading portal which networks the existing APMC/Mandis to create a unified national market for agricultural commodities.
- e-NAM a pan-India electronic trading portal was launched on 14th April 2016, by the Prime Minister of India, with the aim of networking the existing mandis on a common online market platform as “One Nation One Market” for agricultural commodities in India.
- Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) is the lead agency for implementing e-NAM under the aegis of Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India.
- e-NAM portal enables farmers to trade their produce through their nearby e-NAM mandis and facilitate traders to bid online from any location. e-NAM provides single window services for all Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) related services and information. This includes commodity arrivals, quality assaying by Artificial Intelligence based Machines/Equipments, e-Bidding, e-payment settlement directly into farmers account, among other services.
- Horticulture Planning & Marketing Department, J&K initiated e-NAM by integrating 2-Mandis – Narwal (Jammu) & Parimpora (Srinagar) on e-NAM in May-2020 in first phase, and 9 more mandis in 2nd phase. Total 11 mandis of UT 0f J&K are integrated with eNAM as of now.
- To integrate markets first at the level of the States/UT and eventually across the Country through a common online market platform, to facilitate pan - India trade in agricultural commodities.
- To streamline marketing / transaction procedures and make them uniform across all markets to promote efficient functioning of the markets.
- To promote better marketing opportunities for farmers / sellers through online access to more buyers and markets, removal of information asymmetry between farmer and trader, better and real-time price discovery based on actual demand and supply of Agri commodities.
- To establish quality assaying systems for quality assurance, to promote informed bidding by buyers.
- To promote stable prices and availability of quality produce to consumers
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