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Migrants Employment Generation Programme
Tamil Nadu
- To generate employment opportunities for the migrant returnees who have come back to their homeland due to Covid by setting up self-employment ventures in Microenterprises in the Manufacturing service and Business Sectors.
- To provide livelihood opportunities to the migrant returnees who have lost their jobs and livelihood due to Covid.
- To facilitate the provision of collateral-free advances under Credit Guarantee Trust for Micro, Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) dovetailing under the Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Programme.
- Under the scheme, the subsidy @ 25% of the project cost will be sanctioned to the beneficiaries subject to a maximum of ₹2.5 lakhs.
- The applicant should have returned to Tamil Nadu on & after 01-01-2020 due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
- The age of the applicant should be between 18 to 45 years in general and for special categories (Women/Minorities/ BC/MBC/SC/ST/Ex-servicemen/Transgender/Differently abled), the age relaxation is up to 55 years.
- The applicant should possess a minimum educational qualification of 8th standard pass.
- The family income of the applicant should be below ₹5.00 lakh.
- The maximum project costs for Manufacturing / Trading / Service projects should be ₹15.00 lakh / ₹5.00 lakh / ₹5.00 lakh respectively.
- The applicant’s/promoter’s contribution should be 10% of the project cost for the General category and 5% for the Special Category.
Application Process
Documents Required
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the eligibility norms to get benefitted under this scheme?
Any individual, above 18 years of age. The upper age limit for General Category is 45 years and for the special category 55 years. The minimum Educational qualification is Pass in VIII Standard. The applicant should be a resident of the place for not less than 3 years. The family income of the beneficiary along with the spouse should not exceed ₹5,00,000/- per annum.
What is the component of Project cost?
Capital expenditure loan, one cycle of working capital, and 10% of the project cost as own contribution in case of a general category and 5% of the project cost in case of a special category loan.
Whether cost of land and building included in project cost?
Whether EDP training is compulsory?
Which is the agency implementing the scheme at District Level?
This scheme is to be implemented by the Commissionerate of Industries and Commerce and this Commissionerate is the Nodal Agency at the State Level.
What are all the activities / area covered under this scheme?
All economically viable manufacturing services and business activities excluding direct agricultural operations like raising corporation etc.
What is the maximum project cost under each category?
₹15 lakhs for the manufacturing sector, ₹5 lakhs for the service sector and business sector.
What should be the promoter’s contribution?
10% for the General category and 5% for the special category (Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes / Backward Classes / Most Backward Classes / Minorities / Women / Physically Challenged / Transgender).
What is the rate of interest charged under MEGP scheme?
Normal Bank rate of interest.
What is the repayment tenure under the scheme?
The repayment Schedule shall be for 5 years after an initial moratorium period of 6 months or the date of commencement of the project whichever is earlier.
What is the quantum of maximum Government subsidy?
Subsidy @ 25% of the project cost will be sanctioned to the beneficiaries subject to a maximum of ₹2.50lakh.
Can the project be financed jointly from two different sources( Bank/ Financial Institutions)?
No, it is not eligible.
Whether partnership concern eligible to avail loan?
No, the individual alone is eligible.
Does any collateral require?
No collateral is required.
How can an applicant apply under the scheme?
The applicant willing to avail loan under the MEGP scheme should fill up the online application through the Official Website of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Department, Government of Tamil Nadu. https://msmeonline.tn.gov.in/megp/megp_desc.php
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Migrants Employment Generation Programme
Tamil Nadu
- To generate employment opportunities for the migrant returnees who have come back to their homeland due to Covid by setting up self-employment ventures in Microenterprises in the Manufacturing service and Business Sectors.
- To provide livelihood opportunities to the migrant returnees who have lost their jobs and livelihood due to Covid.
- To facilitate the provision of collateral-free advances under Credit Guarantee Trust for Micro, Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) dovetailing under the Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Programme.
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