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Post-Matric Scholarship for SC students

Ministry Of Social Justice and Empowerment

Student Finance
Application Process
Documents Required
Frequently Asked Questions
  • Objective
    1. The objective of the scheme is to appreciably increase the Gross Enrolment Ratio of SC students in higher education with a focus on those from the poorest households, by providing financial assistance at post-matriculation or post-secondary stage to enable them to complete their education
  • Scope
    1. These scholarships are available for studies in India only and the awardees are selected by the State Government/Union Territory to which the applicant actually belongs (i.e. the State/UT in which permanently settled or domiciled, as per the terms of domicile decided by the State).
    2. This is applicable to all the students who are currently beneficiaries of the scheme as well as fresh admissions.

The Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC Students categorizes courses into four groups:
  1. Group I: Degree and Post Graduate level courses in Medicine, Engineering, Technology, Planning, Architecture, Design, Fashion Technology, Agriculture, Veterinary Sciences, Management, Business Finance/Administration, Computer Science/Applications Commercial Pilot License (including helicopter pilot and multiengine rating) course
  2. Group II: Post Graduate Diploma courses in various branches of Management & medicine C.A/I.C.W.A. /C.S./I.C.F.A. etc.
  3. Group III: Graduate and Post Graduate courses not covered under Group 1 & Group 2 B.A / B.Sc. / B.Com etc. M.A/ M.Sc. / M.Com etc.
  4. Group IV: Management & Catering, Travel/Tourism/Hospitality Management, Interior Decoration, Nutrition & Dietetics, Commercial Art, Financial Services (e.g. Banking, Insurance, Taxation etc.).
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