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Pension Scheme for the Tappers in Small Rubber Plantations
Ministry Of Commerce And Industry
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the "Pension Scheme for Tappers in Small Rubber Plantations"?
What is the main goal of this scheme?
What is the duration of financial support under this scheme?
What is the pension amount that an enrolled member can expect upon reaching the age of 60 years?
Apart from the monthly pension, are there any additional benefits available to the members?
What is the age range for tappers to be eligible for enrollment in the scheme?
What is the work experience requirement for eligibility?
What are the employment conditions for eligibility?
Are there any specific exclusions from eligibility?
Are tappers enrolled in the Tapper Bank under Rubber Producers Societies (RPS) eligible for enrollment?
What is the annual contribution required from each tapper under the scheme?
Is there any contribution from the Rubber Board towards the scheme?
What is the specific contribution amount that each tapper has to pay annually for the initial 5 years?
How long does the Rubber Board contribute 50% of the annual contribution?
How can an applicant apply under the scheme?
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Check Eligibility
Pension Scheme for the Tappers in Small Rubber Plantations
Ministry Of Commerce And Industry
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