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RMEWF-Financial Assistance For Ex-Servicemen In Penury
Ministry Of Defence
Extreme Poor
Non-Pensioner Ex-Servicemen
A scheme to provide financial assistance to non-pensioner Ex-Servicemen up to rank of Havildar /equivalent and their widows who are living in extreme poverty.
The aim of this aid-gratis Penury grant was to provide a measure of relief to destitute non-pensioner Ex-Servicemen up to rank of Havildar/equivalent and their widows.
A financial assistance of Rs.4000/- per month is paid Annually to the eligible Ex-Servicemen or their widows .
The financial assistance is non-transferable and will cease automatically upon death of the ESM or widow. After expiry of ESM, his widow will have to apply afresh for financial assistance under penury.
The eligibility criteria for availing financial assistance under this scheme are as follows:-
- Must be a non-pensioner ESM or his widow.
- Should be of rank Havildar/equivalent from the Navy/AF and below.
- The ESM/widow should be 65 years of age on 01 Apr of the Financial Year in which applying.
- After demise of ESM who was already availing the Penury Grant, his widow is eligible for Penury grant irrespective of her age at the time of the death of ESM. Therefore, in such cases, the condition of Widow to have attained the age of 65 years in not applicable
Ex-Servicemen receiving Pension are not covered under this scheme
Application Process
Fresh Application
- Eligible Ex-Servicemen / widow can apply online between 01 Apr to 01 Mar (every year) Link -
- Scanned Copies of the supporting documents must be uploaded with the online application.
- Once the online application is submitted successfully, individual will be given a system generated application number, which he/she should note down for future reference.
- Thereafter, all the uploaded documents and certificates shall be verified By ZSWO. During verification, ZSWO shall certify that the Penury certificate uploaded by the applicant
- Does not have income/ pension form any other source.
- He has not been provided any financial assistance from the State Govt or any other source.
- Confirm that the information furnished by the applicant online is correct as per the original documents uploaded with the application.
- Once this verification process is over, Submitted Online Application is recommended by ZWSO.
Processing at KSB Secretariat
- Once the application reaches the Kendriya Sainik Board, the Section-in-charge verify the same and upload the printed list for the approval of JD (Welfare).
- Such applications of approval is then moved for sanction of the competent authority in one lot, preferably every quarter.
Payment Procedure
- After approval of Secretary KSB, the application is processed for payment by Welfare Section.
- The welfare section verifies the Ex-servicemen's service number, name, banker's IFS Code and bank account number & forward the list of approved cases to Accounts Section for payment.
- The Accounts Section then processes the list for payment directly to beneficiaries via ECS to the beneficiaries as applicable.
Track Application Status
- Applicant has to revisit the same portal https://ksb.gov.in/index.htm
- Click on “Status of application” link on the homepage of the portal.
- Now enter your DAK ID and verification code. Click on the “Search” button
For Subsequent Grant
- For subsequent years, after initial penury grant has been awarded, the beneficiary must submit a life certificate online, duly countersigned by respective ZSWO between 01 Dec and 31 Mar of current financial year.
- Life certificate signed by any other person/ authority other than concerned ZSWO and Digital Life Certificate will not be accepted.
- Submission of Life Certificate will be accepted online on KSB website only and not by any other means.
- Online application for renewal of Penury grant will not be accepted by website after 01 Mar of the financial year. Beneficiary will not be paid the grant for the year for which he/ she fails to upload the life certificate within the period specified above.
Documents Required
Scanned copies of following documents need to be uploaded while filling online application:-
- Service Document/Discharge Book of ESM (Mandatory to upload all pages of Discharge Book in a sequential manner without missing any pages and without any alterations). The pages uploaded must be in legible condition. Any cutting/overwriting in discharge book must be authenticated by the DSWO. Signatures and Stamp marks of any other authority except DSWO will render the entry null and void.
- Age proof, if date of birth not given in the Service Document / Discharge Book.
- Identity Card of ESM / Widows issued by Zonal Sainik Board.
- First page of Bank Pass book and a cancelled cheque in case details of Bank A/c Number, IFS Code and account holder’s personal particulars are not given in first page of Bank Pass book.
- Copy of Aadhar Card.
- Certificate of penury to state that the applicant does not have any source of income signed by Sarpanch/ Patwari/ BDO (revenue officials) affixed with his rubber stamp & round seal. A specimen of "Certificate of Penury” is available on https://ksb.gov.in/writereaddata/DownLoad/Penury_Certificate.pdf
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RMEWF-Financial Assistance For Ex-Servicemen In Penury
Ministry Of Defence
Extreme Poor
Non-Pensioner Ex-Servicemen
Application Process
Documents Required
Frequently Asked Questions
A scheme to provide financial assistance to non-pensioner Ex-Servicemen up to rank of Havildar /equivalent and their widows who are living in extreme poverty.
The aim of this aid-gratis Penury grant was to provide a measure of relief to destitute non-pensioner Ex-Servicemen up to rank of Havildar/equivalent and their widows.
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