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Mukhyamantri Nijee Nalkup Yojana
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of the “Mukhyamantri Nijee Nalkoop Yojana”?
Who is eligible to apply for the scheme?
Are applications from over-exploited or critical blocks considered?
What is the minimum landholding required to apply for the grant?
Do small and marginal farmers get any priority under the scheme?
Is there any condition regarding an existing borewell at the proposed site?
Can farmers apply if they have previously received grants for boring?
How many borewells and motor pumps are allowed per farmer under this scheme?
What is the minimum depth required for the borewell to qualify for the grant?
Can farmers from critical areas apply for the scheme?
Is the grant applicable for both boring and motor pump installation?
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Check Eligibility
Mukhyamantri Nijee Nalkup Yojana
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